Oil Paintings Catalog Oil Paintings from Images Oil Painting Commission Moulding Shopping Cart
Please note:
1) The following price lists basically cover the paintings on our online catalog or similar paintings in standard size, price for special size will be quote upon request.
2) Shipping and handling is US$35 for each order, free shipping and handliing for US$500+ order value.
3)The prices fluctuate with currency exchange rate.

High Quality Price List for Catalog Paintings

Old Masters/Figures/Impressionism Figures
Size(inches) 12"x16" 16"x20" 20"x24" 24"x36" 30"x40" 36"x48" 48"x72"
Unit Price
Simple(1-3persons) N/A $65 $70 $130 $170 $230 $400
Complicated(4-8) N/A N/A $90 $160 $200 $270 $480
Very Complicated(9+) N/A N/A N/A $200 $230 $320 $560
Size(inches) 8"x10" 12"x16" 16"x20" 20"x24" 24"x36" 30"x40" 36"x48" 48"x72"
Unit Price(US$) N/A N/A $50 $60 $110 $150 $200 $360
Landscape/Still lifes/Flowers/Impressionism
Size(inches) 8"x10" 12"x16" 16"x20" 20"x24" 24"x36" 30"x40" 36"x48" 48"x72"
Unit Price (US$) Simple N/A N/A $45 $50 $90 $120 $170 $300
Complicated N/A N/A N/A $70 $130 $170 $230 $400
Abstract & Modernism
Size(inches) 8"x10" 12"x16" 16"x20" 20"x24" 24"x36" 30"x40" 36"x48" 48"x72"
Unit Price(US$) N/A N/A N/A $35 $60 $80 $110 $200

Prices for Painting from Image

Prices for Figure Portrait from Image
Size(inches) 8"x10" 12"x16" 16"x20" 20"x24" 24"x36" 30"x40" 36"x48" 48"x72"
One-Figure Price(US$) N/A $90 $110 $130 $220 $300 $400 $720
2+Figures Price(US$)

 Each 30% will be added for each additional Figure

Prices for Pet/Animal from Image
Size(inches) 8"x10" 12"x16" 16"x20" 20"x24" 24"x36" 30"x40" 36"x48" 48"x72"
Unit Price(US$) N/A $70 $80 $100 $180 $250 $340 $600
Prices for Landscape/Still Life  from Image
Size(inches) 8"x10" 12"x16" 16"x20" 20"x24" 24"x36" 30"x40" 36"x48" 48"x72"
Unit Price (US$) Simple N/A N/A $60 $70 $120 $160 $220 $400
Complicated Buildings N/A N/A N/A $100 $160 $220 $300 $550

Painting Order Discount Rate

Order Value $500+ $2,000-$5,000 $5,001-$10,000 $10,001-$20,000 $20,000+
Discount Free shipping 5% 10% 15% 20%

Any question please feel free to contact us: [email protected]