Oil Paintings Catalog Oil Paintings from Images Oil Painting Commission Moulding Shopping Cart
Oil Paintings from Digital Images - Turn Your Images into a Fantastic Art !
With our talented artists, we are able to turn your favorite images into a 100% hand-painted oil paintings on linen canvas in museum quality, we can create oil paintings from photography, digital art images or AI art images, totall hand paitned by real artists on linen cavnas, following please see examples:
Oil Paintings from Digital Art / AI Art Images

Oil Paintings from Photograhy

Oil Paintings from Photograhy

Portrait from Photography Images in Classic Style

Oil Paintings from Photograhy

Oil Paintings from Photograhy

Portrait from Photograpy Images in Impressionism Style

Oil Paintings from Picture

Oil Paintings from Picture

Black-and-White to Color

Oil Paintings from Photograhy

Oil Paintings from Photograhy

Family / Group Paintings

Oil Paintings from Photograhy

Pet/Animal Paintings from Photograpy Images

Oil Paintings from Photograhy

Landscape Paintings  from Photography Images

Oil Paintings from Photograhy

Oil Paintings from Photograhy

Impressionsim Landscape Paintings from Photograpy Images

Oil Paintings from Photo

Oil Paintings from Photo

Architecture / Building Paintings from Photograpy Images

Oil Paintings from Photo

Oil Paintings from Photo

Testimonial Video


Prices for Painting from Image

Prices for Figure Portrait from Image
Size(inches) 8"x10" 12"x16" 16"x20" 20"x24" 24"x36" 30"x40" 36"x48" 48"x72"
One-Figure Price(US$) N/A $90 $110 $130 $220 $300 $400 $720
2+Figures Price(US$) Each 30% will be added for each additional Figure
Prices for Pet/Animal from Image
Size(inches) 8"x10" 12"x16" 16"x20" 20"x24" 24"x36" 30"x40" 36"x48" 48"x72"
Unit Price(US$) N/A $70 $80 $100 $180 $250 $340 $600
Prices for Landscape/Still Life from Image
Size(inches) 8"x10" 12"x16" 16"x20" 20"x24" 24"x36" 30"x40" 36"x48" 48"x72"
Unit Price (US$) Simple N/A N/A $60 $70 $120 $160 $220 $400
Complicated N/A N/A $80 $100 $160 $220 $300 $550
Shipping cost: US$35 for each shipment, free shipping for US$500+ order.

How to Place Order of Painting from Image
1)Digital image(s) please email to [email protected] and advise your desired size for quotation.
2)Photo(s,) poster(s), etc please mail to following with your instruction:
Attn: Li Renjie
208 Rongbin Building, 162 Lianyueli, Xiamen, Fujian Province, China 361012
Any Question please contact: [email protected]